Early in morning today, the long anticipated judgment of the European Court of Justice was finally rendered, making any ban on CBD illegal in the E.U. And that’s very good news for the blooming and booming French hemp market.
Today marks a great victory for hemp in Europe and its free trade in France, as the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has just rendered its judgment in favor of a total legalisation of cannabidiol (CBD) trade on the old continent.
Deeming illegal the ban in France on CBD, arguing that the molecule has « no psychotropic or harmful effect on human health« .
The ECJ ruling thus validates the trading of CBD in all its forms (including full flower) « legally produced in another member state of the European Union when it is extracted from the Cannabis sativa plant in its entirety« . By doing so, the decision is depriving of any legal basis any inclination to prosecute CBD retailers.
This is also great news for Canadian cannabis companies such as Tyler, Aurora Cannabis, Canopy Growth, Aphria Stock and Cronos, all lurking on a promising Europeen market and its economic outlooks.