Santé - Page 9

Du cannabis pour les éléphants du zoo de Varsovie


Le zoo de Varsovie va administrer à ses éléphants du cannabis médical pour tenter de diminuer leur niveau de stress, a-t-on appris mercredi auprès des responsables du projet.

Des thérapies au cannabis médical pour chiens ou chevaux sont déjà connues dans le monde mais « il s’agit probablement du premier projet du genre centré sur les éléphants », a indiqué à l’AFP Agnieszka Czujkowska, vétérinaire responsable du programme dans le jardin zoologique de la capitale polonaise.

Du cannabis pour lutter contre le stress des éléphants

Abritant trois éléphants d’Afrique, le zoo commence ainsi à tester les effets sur ces animaux d’une concentration élevée de Cannabidiol dit CBD, qui n’a pas d’effets euphorisants et qui reste inoffensif pour le foie et les reins. « Il s’agit de trouver éventuellement une nouvelle alternative naturelle aux méthodes existantes de lutte contre le stress, surtout aux médicaments » qu’on a tendance à administrer généralement, selon Mme Czujkowska. Les éléphants du zoo de Varsovie, qui ont vécu récemment la perte de la femelle dominante, sont déjà soumis à des contrôles en continu du niveau de stress, évalué sur la base des fluctuations hormonales et des observations comportementales.

Il s’agit d’un projet de longue haleine qui devrait s’étaler sur un an et demi voire deux ans, avant qu’on arrive à des résultats concluants, selon elle. Des programmes similaires pourraient ensuite être lancés sur d’autres animaux vivant en captivité. « Contrairement à ce que certains s’imaginent, le cannabis ne sera administré aux éléphants ni par tonneaux ni par pipe », ajoute en riant Mme Czujkowska.

Les premières doses minimales seront comparables à celles qu’on administre aux chevaux: un flacon d’une dizaine de gouttes d’huile CBD, deux à trois fois dans la journée. « La femelle Fryderyka a déjà pu y goûter et elle n’a pas dit non », s’est félicitée Mme Czujkowska.

Source : AFP

Valeria Salech, Argentina’s cannabis pasionaria


Meet Valeria, the woman fighting for legal weed in Argentina. Not because it’s cool and hype, but because her son’s life depends on it. Portrait of a Mama warrior.

In 2014, Valeria Salech and her husband gave their 8-year-old son, Emiliano, cannabis for the first time.
Valeria recalls that afternoon like the day she first really met her son.
“About 30 minutes after taking the resin, Emi started looking me in the eyes and smiling. He had a look I’d never seen before,” says Valeria. “That day changed our lives forever.”
Today, Valeria stands at the frontlines of the battle to legalize cannabis as the founder of Mamá Cultiva Argentina (Mother Grows), the nation’s most recognized cannabis activist group with a proud feminist agenda. 

Coming To Life With Cannabis 


“Have you ever seen the look of someone doped out on anxiolytics?”
I froze as Valeria’s question shot out of the loudspeaker on my phone.
“My son has had that look since the day he was born,” she says.
“Seeing that look go away thanks to a grain of rice of cannabis resin, I knew then and there that I would keep giving the resin to Emi, even if it just meant he could look me in the eyes and smile.”
That was 6 years ago. Back then, Emi (who suffers from epilepsy and severe autism) saw the world through a daze of pharmaceuticals and still used diapers and a bib.
I ask Valeria to recall the changes to Emiliano’s condition and behaviour over the years since he started using cannabis, and she sighs.
“That’s hard, because it requires me to think back to a boy that no longer exists,” she says.
“The same month he started using cannabis, Emiliano stopped using his bib,” Valeria recalls. A few months later, he started learning to eat with a fork, and after about 1 year, Emiliano stopped using diapers.
“Step by step, Emi has been gaining independence and the ability to show himself the way he really is,” says Valeria.
Seeing the way cannabis changed Emiliano’s life, Valeria didn’t hesitate to take it upon herself to fight for the rights of every other mom in Argentina who’s children or family could benefit from cannabis. 

2016: The Birth of Mamá Cultiva Argentina

On the 22nd of March 2016, 2 years after first trying cannabis with Emi, Valeria sat in on the presentation of a draft bill aiming to decriminalize the medical use of marijuana in Argentina.
Looking around the room, she noticed the overwhelming number of women, in particular mothers, at the presentation.
“I said to the woman sitting beside me, ‘we need an organization to represent the women here,” Valeria recalls. 

A little over 2 weeks later, on April 7th, 2016, she founded Mamá Cultiva Argentina (MCA).
Valeria laughs as she remembers the early days of the organization, storming congress with other moms to intercept deputies in the hallways and hand out their homemade brochures.
I ask her to tell me about her life outside of her activism.
“I can’t,” she says. “I was born an activist. This is my life. In kindergarten, I was the one who spoke up to the teacher to make sure all the students got the same amount of biscuits,” she laughs.
Since day one, MCA had a very clear mission:
“To demand a legal framework through which the Argentine state recognizes the therapeutic properties of cannabis and the right for individuals to cultivate it in order to secure a safe treatment for our children or whoever needs it,” says Valeria.
But besides its clear stance on cannabis, Mamá Cultiva Argentina also has a proud feminist agenda alligned with Argentina’s Ni Una Menos (“Not One Woman Less”) movement.
“I was inside the congress with the other moms handing out brochures and intercepting deputies when I heard the screams of the women outside,” says Valeria, thinking back to 2016 when she found herself inside the walls of congress during one of Argentina’s biggest feminist marches.
“We were being told how to live and being judged on whether or not we were good mothers. We were being told to heed to doctors and the police,” says Valeria.
“Once we realized that we were in the same fight as the women outside, we didn’t hesitate to join them on the street. It was an awakening, and from there on out we started to reveal all the violence we’ve suffered. And all the violence we’ve suffered comes from this capitalist and patriarchal system that oppresses us.”
In October 2016, Valeria travelled to Rosario for that year’s Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres (National Women’s Meeting). In one of the meeting rooms, there was a group of women talking about cannabis.
“I walked into the meeting and the entire room stopped to applaud me,” says Valeria. “I cried because the recognition of my peers, of women who like me had been battered by this completely patriarchal system, to this day means more to me than if I were to be applauded at the United Nations.”

The Times They Are A-Changin’


Today, the right to grow cannabis, the plant that’s changed Valeria’s life and the lives of countless other Argentines, seems closer than ever before.
On Wednesday, July 15th 2020, 6 years after Valeria first gave cannabis to Emi, the Argentine Health Ministry announced a draft of new reglementary changes to bill 27.350, the law that restricts the use of medical cannabis to public health trials on patients with epilepsy.
The draft makes big promises; the right for registered patients to cultivate their own medicine, the public production and sale of medical cannabis products at pharmacies, and free access to cannabis therapies for patients without health assurance.
And while it’s only a draft, Valeria’s gut tells her that change is on the horizon.
Since January, Mamá Cultiva Argentina has been part of an advisory council working together with other activist groups, doctors, universities, and institutions like CONICET [the Argentine National Scientific and Technical Research Council] to prepare its own draft reglementations of bill 27.350.
“When someone invites you to work with institutions like CONICET and the Health Ministry on a bill that actually plans to implement the change you’ve been fighting for, you tend to trust that,” says Valeria.
And while there’s still no news of when these new reglementations will come into effect, Valeria is confident it’ll be soon.
“If it’s not today, it’ll be tomorrow or after that. But I’m not ashamed to tell you that every morning I wake up and the first thing I do is check the boletin oficial**,” she laughs. 


**boletin oficial – the gazette where the Argentine state publishes its legal norms.


Hôpital Français cherche fumeurs de joints


Si votre boulot de barman saisonnier au Macumba-Club vous a planté cet été pour cause de Covid-19, Zeweed, jamais à court de bons plans, vous a trouvé un reality-check summer-job.

C’est le  CHRU de Nancy qui, dans le cadre d’une étude visant à « mettre fin à l’addiction au cannabis » (sic), cherche des fumeurs de cannabis.
Et pas du petit smoker : au moins sept spliff par jour.
Pour faire parti du programme,  il vous faudra aussi avoir plus de 18 ans et vouloir arrêter de consommer la belle plante pendant au moins deux mois.
Un appel à candidature relancé ce mardi 28 juillet 2020 après des recherches déjà engagées en 2018 et 2019, mais dont les études avaient fourni des résultats trop partiels,  faute de participants.
A croire que dans le Grand Est, les gens préfèrent rester à l’ouest.

Le CHRU lance donc cette année un  nouvel appel à volontaires en mal de réalité pour « affiner les résultats » de l’ étude « Mac Beth »  (Oui, comme la pièce de Shakespeare qui finit bien).

L’étude, qui a pour ambition de mettre fin à l’addiction au cannabis via des séances de méditation en pleine conscience (mindfulness), sera testée en comparaison à un programme plus classique de suivi thérapeutique (consultation privée avec psychiatre )

Les membres du groupe « mindfulness » suivront ainsi un programme de méditation de deux heures hebdomadaires pendant 8 semaines.

Si vous répondez aux critères de cette étude, que vous n’avez plus de weed, que vous êtes fauchés à en manger vos cheveux longs alors que les huissiers viennent d’embarquer votre nana, vous pourrez toujours adresser un mail à

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