
A Personal Guide To Getting High And Having Great Sex



Whether you like it rough, gentle, kinky, vanilla, gay, straight or over the phone, we all have one thing in common; we want our sex to be AMAZING. And if you use cannabis, you’ve likely already experimented with it between the sheets. 

Unfortunately, getting high and getting laid isn’t always as great as it sounds. For some people, cannabis can produce side effects that definitely don’t belong in the bedroom (paranoid penetration, anyone?).
However, there are also many ways in which cannabis can enhance sex. In this article, I’m going to walk you through my tips on using weed in the bedroom, most of which I’ve learned the hard way.

Disclaimer: I’m not a sex therapist nor a doctor. I’m just a guy who enjoys weed and sex.

Know Your Body 

Cannabis is a really complex plant that affects all of us differently. In my years of smoking, vaping, and eating weed, I’ve found that the golden rule to getting high and having a good time (both in and out of the bedroom) is knowing my own body. Many people find cannabis helps them relieve stress and anxiety, for example. I’m the complete opposite; if I’m particularly stressed or anxious, getting high will only amplify those feelings. If I’m in a good state of mind, however, weed can boost my mood, calm me down, and help me relax.

Hence, I already know that weed won’t magically make me horny if I’ve got a lot on my mind. However, I also know that when I’m in the mood, cannabis can intensify my feelings of pleasure and get me more in tune with myself and my partner. If you want to get high and have great sex, it’s key you understand how weed affects your body first. 

Know Your Partner 

It takes 2 people (or more) to have sex. So, while it’s important to understand how weed affects your sexuality, it’s just as important to know how it affects your sexual partner/s. For some people, weed is a great ice-breaker, helping them let down their guard and leave behind some of their inhibitions. For others, it might raise those inhibitions when they’re with someone new but intensify the way they connect with someone they’re familiar with. 

Communication is really key here (and anytime you’re trying to have great sex). If you want to bring weed into the bedroom, communicate with your partner/s about it first to ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone. 

Know Your Weed

Weed can vary really dramatically, especially if you live in an area where it is still illegal and unregulated. Hence, whenever you plan on getting high and having sex, make sure you know what you’re toking on before bringing it into bed. In general, I enjoy balanced cannabis strains that aren’t too cerebral or overly physical. A super intense cerebral high can sometimes kick my mind into overdrive, while a hard-hitting body stone is more likely to send me to sleep than get me hard.

If you’re lucky enough to live in an area where cannabis is sold legally, talk to a budtender to find a strain that delivers the effects you’re looking for. If weed is still illegal where you live, always try a new strain on its own before trying to pair it with sex. 

Know Your Dose

I’m a one-hit-wonder kind of guy; one or two tokes from a joint is just enough to help me feel relaxed, focused, and positive. If you want to get high and have great sex, know your dose and stick to it. 

Don’t Get Hung Up On Smoking

The way we use and enjoy cannabis is changing drastically. Today, there are many different ways you can introduce cannabis into your sex life without smoking.  “It doesn’t have to be psychoactive,” explains Ashley Manta, a sex educator and “cannasexual,” in an interview with VICE. “THC is a vasodilator, which means it brings more blood flow to the area,” she says. THC lubricants, therefore, can help both men and women stimulate arousal, increase physical sensation, and increase natural lubrication. 

Edibles can be another great way to enjoy cannabis in the bedroom, offering a slower, more gradual onset and longer-lasting effects than a joint or vape. Unfortunately, due to cannabis policies and the extremely subjective nature of sex, there’s hardly any decent scientific research into how the 2 overlap. Hence, it’s really up to you to experiment with cannabis in its many different forms and find something that works best for you and your partner/s.


En una sociedad enloquecida por el rendimiento, un número cada vez mayor de hombres y mujeres están luchando por recuperar plenamente las alegrías del sexo. El CDB tiene virtudes notables en este sentido. ¿El fin de la crisis (de las nalgas)?

La estampida

Los hombres no se la paran! Estas son, al menos, las conclusiones de un estudio de Louis Harris sobre este sexo que se dice alto y claro. Los varones aprendemos allí, con el rabo entre las piernas, que dos de cada cinco hombres se verían afectados por la disfunción eréctil. Realizada entre 1.000 encuestados de entre 25 y 40 años, la encuesta afirma que el 39% de los encuestados han experimentado un momento de soledad. Un blues medio blando que afectaría a entre 18 y 30 millones de estadounidenses. Ante unas cifras que exigen la máxima firmeza, varias soluciones, entre ellas el CDB.

Explicaciones: La ansiedad es, en los países desarrollados, la principal causa de la disfunción eréctil. Una ansiedad de desempeño que se invita a sí misma entre las sábanas hasta el punto de convertirse en la primera razón de la no-erección, antes de la edad y la enfermedad. Afortunadamente, el CBD, también conocido por ser ahora más famoso que Cristo (ver nuestro artículo), ha demostrado tener virtudes relajantes y tranquilizantes.

Si la molécula no es la única que posee tales propiedades, es la única sin efectos secundarios contraproducentes como el alcohol o los ansiolíticos como el Xanax o el Valium que le sumergirán directamente en los brazos de Morfeo y, sobre todo, a diferencia de los dos relajantes mencionados, el CBD no es adictivo. En cuanto al Viagra, su precio prohibitivo, sus frecuentes efectos secundarios (dolores de cabeza, mareos, problemas digestivos), combinados con su lado hipertenso y desencadenante de accidentes cardiovasculares habrán enfriado a más de uno.

No hay adicción, no hay dosis que no se pueda superar, está clínicamente probado que es un rectificador de torsión. El CBD es una buena idea de regalo de Navidad para las parejas registradas con sus propiedades relajantes que ayudarán tanto a los hombres que se levantan demasiado tarde como a los que llegan demasiado temprano; ahora estamos hablando de la eyaculación precoz.

Un estudio comisionado por GW de 5398 estadounidenses reveló que los participantes que tomaban CBD tenían relaciones sexuales que duraban 31% más de lo normal, y el 33% de las mujeres alcanzaban el orgasmo más rápido. Es una buena noticia en términos de tiempo para el gran sentimentalista que lucha por frenar sus arrebatos de alegría.

Una propiedad “retardadora” de la CBD que fue descubierta por sorpresa, explica el New England Journal of Medicine, mientras un grupo de científicos realizaba un estudio para confirmar las virtudes antiepilépticas del alcaloide milagroso. Propiedades antiespasmódicas y relajantes que, al igual que los antiepilépticos químicos, son una muy buena defensa contra los impulsos demasiado rápidos.

Un mal no necesario

En 2015, la profesora Debby Herbenick y sus colegas de la Universidad de Indiana y Texas abordaron el doloroso problema de las relaciones que duelen.

Encargado en 205 por el Instituto Nacional de Salud de Estados Unidos y realizado entre 1700 personas, el estudio reveló que más de una mujer de cada cuatro (27,6%) ha tenido relaciones sexuales dolorosas y el 16% las sigue teniendo. No sin estoicismo, ya que la mitad de las mujeres no informan a su pareja que han tenido dolor mientras hacían el bien.

En América del Norte, dos de cada tres mujeres ya han utilizado un lubricante durante el coito, principalmente “por placer” para las menores de 40 años.

De hecho, el 85% de las mujeres creen que los lubricantes hacen que el sexo sea más placentero, el 69% creen que aumentan la excitación y el 56% creen que facilitan el orgasmo. La situación es más o menos la misma para los hombres, excepto quizás para los menores de 25 años, que son sólo uno de cada dos que los usan.

Un consumo de lub’ que explotó con la llegada de los geles al CDB, tan efectivo son los resultados. Desde el punto de vista médico, el CBD promueve y mejora la circulación de la sangre y estimula la lubricación natural, según una serie de pruebas realizadas por el Journal of Experimental Medicine en 2012. Sus propiedades antiinflamatorias y analgésicas son también apreciadas en caso de sexo salvaje. Es suficiente para hacer que quieras divertirte toda la noche.

¿Es ésta una de las razones del éxito del CDB entre los mayores suizos (véase nuestro artículo)? Aún así, la molécula es hoy en día un excelente remedio natural así como una calabaza indispensable para tener en caso de sequedad…

¿El potenciador de orgasmos del CBD?

Si el estudio del New England Journal of Medicine nos dice que el CBD es un muy buen aliado para luchar contra la apatía del miembro masculino, también da una cifra que incita a la mayor humildad, ya que en 2699 las mujeres … sólo el 29% de ellas llegaría al orgasmo (durante un doble coito).

Afortunadamente, esta estadística no es de ninguna manera definitiva, ya que el mismo grupo de investigadores ha mostrado que entre los sujetos de CBD, el 76% de las mujeres reportaron haber tenido orgasmos más intensos.

Porque para sentir el deseo sexual adecuadamente, ambos sistemas del cuerpo deben funcionar correctamente. Estos son el sistema de inhibición sexual y el sistema de excitación sexual. Estos dos deben trabajar juntos para hacerte sentir el deseo de la actividad sexual. En este caso, el cannabidiol ayuda a estos dos sistemas a trabajar juntos reduciendo los sentimientos de estrés y ansiedad.

En 1974, la Organización Mundial de la Salud lo consagró en su carta de derechos humanos. “El individuo posee derechos fundamentales, incluyendo el derecho a la salud y el placer sexual, y el poder de controlar la actividad sexual y reproductiva de acuerdo con una ética social personal”.

El cannabis, a través del CBD y el THC, es uno de los aliados más notables en la vida sexual, así como un notable afrodisíaco natural.

Ahora depende de los gobiernos aún recalcitrantes legalizar el placer…



In a dark brothel in The Hague.


On his way to Amsterdam, our journalist became interested by the Hague, located on the North sea coast, in the west part of Netherlands, and its brothels.

The Hague is a fairly wealthy city in which numerous diplomats live. It is there, remarkably, that the international court is situated. In this city, the Weed is organic. People move around by tram and so much money flows that you can buy a gram of coke for 30 bucks. Since 2000, prostitution had been legal in the Netherlands. My Canadian friend, Scott, who has been living there for 14 years sees it as a logical course of action. He says: « Dutch people have the most practical minds in the whole of Europe ». They like money, stuffed pastries, and established rules.

While I’m toking on a « Thaï joint » (a ready-made spliff that would be the equivalent of cider for an alcoholic), I get a call form our Canadian editor : « Mike, it would be great if you visited a brothel for our readers ». Still with a joint in my mouth and sunglasses on, I went straight to the red light district. Although there are no brothels there, it is the most known prostitution-related area. The showcases are filled with women bathed in a red light, and are quite intimidating. In contrast to Amsterdam, the street is calm. There are no tourists around to take selfies. The men passing by keep their eyes low and go quietly to the woman of their choice.

After a day researching over the internet, I learn that brothels in the Hague are all very different. Their price is ranged from 80 euros to nearly 300 for half an hour. I choose « Diane’s Secret » because it’s operated by women. Part of me hopes that the girls there are taken better care of than in the red light district. I arrive to the address that was indicated on the website. One would never guess that it’s a brothel. It is an elegant dutch house covered with ivy. I realized that I’m at the right place because of two bald men (maybe from excess testosterone) who are speaking in english about their experience :

« – She’s really hot, Alex.
– Yeah, but her blowjobs aren’t as good as Julia’s »

On the balcony, two women are smoking a cigar and summon me. I explain that I’m looking for Diane’s secret. They let me in.

A good-looking brunette wearing a skinny mini-dress helps me to the first floor. I end up in an haussmanian lounge styled in a bourgeois way.
The Madame is behind a leather Chesterfield type desk, she is blond and is quite curvy. Her 30 year old assistant (who helped me in) has glasses on and I can’t figure out if she’s wearing those to look like a sexy secretary or if they were prescription. On the boss’ desk, there is a sign indicating that they take VISAs and Mastercards. A girl comes back from her shift and they seem to discuss her rendez-vous, reporting how it went (the brothel being run by women, the Madame is likely to be a former prostitute).

On the low table in front of me, there is a bowl full of vagina shaped candies and steamy card decks.
On the right, there is a giant screen playing hardcore porn, showing only penetration close-ups. Even though I am a porn enthusiast, it is a little bit too hardcore for my tastes. There are two other guys around the table : a guy who looks like he’s from a PNL video clip [a french rap group] (polarized glasses included), a guy noticeably high and myself. The secretary comes to get our drink orders and without thinking, I ask for a Fanta. I feel like I need sugar after the Skunk joint I smoked earlier. I decide to chat with the guy who’s high given that we obviously have something in common :

« – Do you often come to such places ?
– As often as I have cash » he answers salaciously.
The Madame’s disapproving look makes me think that now is not the time for talking – it’s time for choosing. I take a piece of paper and write my WhatsApp number on it in order to chat with the stoner later. The guy with the polarized glasses goes with a small asian girl half his height. As if he

was at the hairdresser, he insists on having his favorite, even if that means she has to come straight from her previous client.
The Madame claps hers hands and three young women come in. The first is tall with large boobs and blue eyes. The second is mixed race with pear shaped boobs and green eyes. The third is a small indian girl with strong features, but a teenager’s body.

I choose Sandy, she says hi with a small voice and a shy smile. I can relate to her discomfort. According to her page on the website, she is 27yo, but in reality she is clearly over 30. I’m paying 80 bucks for thirty minutes, but I’ll be granted with fifty « to make me comfortable », because I’m a first-timer. On the walls, a fuschia wallpaper matches the cheap perfume and the lube smells. She asks if it’s my first time and I tell her that it is, but that I’m working on a article and I’m not here to fuck. Her surprise is tangible. She explains that it is forbidden to film. I ask her if she would be okay with us just talking. She agrees, as long as I don’t tell the boss.

Sandy « not her real name » has been living in the Netherlands since the age of 5 and has been working as a prostitute for 4 years. Living costs are very high in this diplomatic city. She tried to find something else, but because she isn’t educated enough, she could only get cashier jobs. « I have a child » she confesses after I make up a family back in France to make her feel comfortable. Her child is the main reason why she came back at Diane’s secret after two months of actively seeking employment. The dutch law is very clear: an unemployed foreigner must leave within 3 months.

She pays rent to the brothel, then it doesn’t matter if she gets 15 or only 2 clients at the end of the month, the bill always comes. However, she adds that she feels way more secure now than she felt back when she worked in one of Amsterdam’s windows.
Most prostitutes there have pimps who, whether their business is legit or not, are no angels. She tells me an episode about a Turkish army pounding the glass doors after a night spent getting high on hash. I can hear the fear in Sandy’s voice when she speaks about it.

There is a small courtyard, I take a ready-made joint out of my pocket and start lighting it while pursuing the conversation. She whispers: « if you want to keep chatting, do not leave the door open ». Sandy seems way too soft for this environment, and I struggle to keep my composure while she asks frequently « if I don’t want to go for it anyway ».

Sandy doesn’t smoke, but she takes CBD capsules to « chill out ». She doesn’t mind about cannabis being smoked around her, but I understand through her words that she needs to stay clean in order to « play her part ». Long story short, if she’s not sober she can’t « act ». There’s 5 minutes left. I finally ask her if she has a lot of married men coming to see her. She smiles and tell me that « adultery is way less commonly accepted here than in France, so the standard is to take off one’s wedding ring ».

I end the session by asking her if she often has stoners amongst her clients. Sandy’s face lights up slightly : « they are often the nicest clients ». My time is up, I cruise back to the boss’ office to ask for a bill before I leave. Then I meet the stoner from earlier at the Cremers which is the only bar in The Hague where smoking is allowed. I ask him if he’s used going to brothels. He takes a huge toke on a pure Jack Herrer blunt before handing it to me and saying : « every single week, I have my favorite. I even give her a facial ». I ask him what it means, and he translates : « I get to come on her face ». Thus, the holly Grail seems to be coming on girl’s faces.

To him, it was obvious because he spends his days between work and Coffeeshop, smoking. He hasn’t had a girlfriend for 5 years. I end up thinking again about what my friend Scott told me : « It is only a transaction. Yet another service industry ».


Meeting Cannasexuals.

Viceland went to San Francisco to meet Ashley Mantra, a sex educator specialised in what could be called cannabic intimacy.Thanks to weed, Ashley transforms the sex lives of her patients.

According to Ashley, a cannasexual is a person who consciously and deliberately combines sex and cannabis.  Above and beyond the sensations which are altered, it’s the state of mind that plays a determining role. Cannabis allows to leave one’s own head and enter one’s body.
One must keep in mind that THC works above all else on the brain, modifying our perception of reality. The fact that two partners are high can diminish pressure of performance within a couple, to open up, to be uninhibited. Basically to relax, or even try out new things.



El encuentro de los cannasexuales.

Viceland ha ido a San Francisco, para conocer a Ashley Mantra, una educadora sexual especializada en lo que podríamos llamar la intimidad cannábica.
Con la ayuda de la weed, Ashley transforma las vidas sexuales de sus pacientes.

Un(a) cannasexual, según Ashley, es una persona que conscientemente y deliberadamente, combina sexo y cannabis.
Mas allá de las sensaciones que son alteradas, es el estado de ánimo que tiene un papel determinante.
El cannabis permite de salir de su cabeza y de entrar en su propio cuerpo.
Hay que recordar que el THC actúa antes de todo sobre el cerebro, modificando nuestra percepción de la realidad. El hecho de que la pareja esté high puede ayudar a disminuir la presión, a abrirse, desinhibirse, en breve a relajarse. Y quizás hasta probar cosas nuevas.



Cannabis and sex: a cocktail that needs to be mastered.

For many years, cannabis has been used in different cultures (mainly eastern cultures) as an aphrodisiac.
It is believed that small doses of this green plant would increase the sexual desire, mainly for women, or even to prolong the duration of the erection for men.

In general, the positive effects would make us more sensitive and, therefore, more favourable to give and to receive love. It lubricates relationships, making the couple curious to try out new positions by allowing for more freedom.
The body image is undeniably magnified, giving new and more exciting sensations to the sexual intercourse.
Marijuana can make us open up with our partner in order to communicate better: discussing about what makes us reach orgasm, whether it be for men or for women. Smoking can easily transform these difficult conversations into amusing ones, which, in turn, makes the sexual intercourse seamless and efficient.
However, it has to be acknowledged that it is important to control the dosage when smoking. Any person who smokes too much will be unable to undertake an effective action…

It is advisable to take care in selecting the type of cannabis.
For example, Sativa is known for its ability to contract the muscles, therefore, its ability to last longer. The Indica, however, creates a relaxing effect in the body as well as in the mind.

A study from the University of Stanford School of Medicine (available hereconsulted with 28,176 American women (aged 29.9 in average) and with 22.943 American men (aged 29.5 in average). The researchers asked participants the number of sexual intercourses they had taken part in over the past 4 weeks. They also asked if participants had smoked cannabis over the past 12 months.

The results showed that 24.5% of men and 14.5% of women had reportedly used cannabis, and that there was positive association between the frequency of cannabis use and the frequency of sexual intercourse.

The researchers proved that women who had not smoked over the past 12 moths reported an average frequency of 6 sexual intercourses in the last month, whereas women who had smoked reported an average frequency of 7.1 sexual intercourses.

On the men’s side, those who had not smoked over the past 12 months reported an average of 5.6 sexual intercourses, whereas those who had smoke reported an average of 6.9 sexual intercourse.