Susan Soares is not only an activist. She happens to be the executive director of CARE — a non profit organisationrevolving around the benefits of cannabis— and has released a children storybook called “What’s Growing in Grandma’s Garden- A book to help grownups have a conversation with children about cannabis”.
2 years after sustaining a serious injury, she discovered the healing properties of marijuana, a plant that would, among other things, help her deal with her pain issues.
Weed also opened up a horizons for the author as a new sensation and perceptions. This is a book that will help adults spreading the word about cannabis’ medicinal virtues, in a knowledgeable yet fun way, eliminating any tabus, hence allowing children to grow with a truthful education about this plant and its healing properties.
Susan Soares openly talks about her experiences through her writing, as for instance the consequences of what happens when we lie to kids on a daily basis.
Lies that turns out to be quiet conter productive, as kids grow an interest for what they are told to be dangerous and forbidden.
Soares states that when we lie it’s actually worse since we are basically teaching them that we are not to be trusted.
It’s important that children get honest, real and true messages and until they reach their adulthood..
The book itself, based on her own personal experiences, is a story seen through a little boy’s perspective as he helps her grandmother with the gardening activities. It’s there that he’d lear about the vegetables’ diversity , how to distinguish insects more or less harmful to the plants as the places where there is to be found this sacred plant that is cannabis.
“What’s Growing in Grandma’s Garden” is an important tool in the life of both children or adults, not only because of it’s lightness due to the illustrations throughout the book but also because it is essential to understand the medical benefits and sacred side of cannabis.
A book which is is a new approach on subject still considered to be a tabu, and that should be spread from parents to children for éducationnel and spiritual purposes.
Manuel Chau