Star Seed: Cannabis, from plant to leaf.


It is well known that our species has always tamed the benefits of our dear mother nature.

Two stones in the hands? Let’s make a fire. A wave on a sea? Let’s go surf it. Snow on the mountains? Let’s go skiing. Grass under our feet? Let’s go smoke it. 

If the majority of humans today associate cannabis as a societal plague, it is important to point out that it is also one of man’s oldest exploitation. 

Cannabis has been part of our history since the Neolithic period, one of the most significant times in terms of technical and social change as a result of several improvements in agriculture and livestock.

The first green trace of cannabis dates back to 6 000 years ago in China, used for clothing, oils, and food.  Furthermore, various writings from Emperor Shen Nung already stipulated its medical values. (

Later on, cannabis was found in India, Africa, Mexico and especially in the Middle East with its nomads participating to the arrival of cannabis in Africa and Europe. In turn, different countries around the globe start accepting and recognizing its value. 

At the beginning of the XXth century, the Mexican revolution caused the departure of thousands of migrants towards the United States, bringing with them cannabis, which then converted into a more recreational consumption. 

( /guerre-civile-mexicaine.php)



Unfortunately, the usage of cannabis became the main cause of criminal acts committed by Hispanic immigrants, announcing later on its prohibition.

In 1915, Utah became the first state to ban its use, a year later France and Britain followed. As such, the trend began and 1931 saw cannabis become illegal in 29 US states. America becomes the precursor of mediatization prohibiting cannabis, several campaigns led by the Federal Office of Narcotics are launched: 

In 1937, the United States Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act, a law that imposes severe penalties on the sale and possession of marijuana.


In 1977 the Netherlands legalized the use and sale of cannabis in coffee shops. It showed for the first time in history a solid break, delineating soft drugs from hard drugs.  If the Netherlands began to recognize marijuana’s benefits, other European countries like Spain and the Czech Republic started, in turn, following the tendency as well. 

2005 marks the renewal of a laxer vision of the use of cannabis: through the relaxation of legislation in certain countries such as Canada, Uruguay and the United Kingdom. 


Medical prescription of THC is allowed and pharmaceutical companies have

for the first time officially bought cannabis in Morocco.

On January 20 2009, Obama becomes President of the United States and declares symbolically during a campaign interview that he had already consumed grass when he was a student.

In 2012, Colorado and Washington State are leading the way in the sale and use of marijuana for people over the age of 21.

On November 8, 2016, it is the most populated state of the USA: California which legalizes by referendum the marijuana for recreational use.

Today therapeutic cannabis is now on sale in Portugal, Italy, Romania, Spain, Poland, United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands, Ireland, Switzerland, Germany.

France, for its part, decides to stay distant thinking that a possible opening of cannabis for medical purposes is a first step towards its total legalization…





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