
Cannabis y Sueño: Fumar para soñar menos


Son muchos los consumidores que fuman cannabis con la esperanza de dormir mejor. Si bien es verdad que es mas fácil dormirse fumando hierba, los sueños tienden a desaparecer progresivamente.

A que se parece nuestro sueño 

Es de sentido común decir que el sueño es el estado mas reparador para nuestro organismo.

Dormir es esencial para recuperar energía y resulta que cuando dormimos menos, el cuerpo intenta recuperar las horas de sueño durante el siguiente periodo de descanso.

Nuestro sueño puede ser dividido en tres fases distintas: el sueño liviano, el profundo y el paradójico.

Durante la noche, avanzamos de forma cíclica hacia esas diferentes etapas y cada etapa dura mas o menos 90 minutos. Un hombre medio pasa por cada ciclo entre cuatro y cinco veces por noche.

El cannabis y nuestros sueños

Científicamente, el cannabis posee efectos complejos que tienen influencia sobre nuestro sueño. Conviene recordar que es un droga psicoactiva que actúa directamente sobre el cerebro.

Muchos de los usuarios consumen cannabis para dormirse mas fácilmente, gracias a sus efectos ansiolíticos. 

Un estudio publicado en 1975 en la Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics estipula que los efectos del THC disminuyen el sueño paradójico (el periodo en el cual soñamos) de los consumidores y aumentarían el sueño profundo (lo que da la sensación de dormir mejor).

El Doctor Hans Hamburger, neurólogo especialista del sueño y director del Centro de Búsquedas del Sueño en los Países Bajos nos recuerda que « Los sueños también ayudan a asimilar el centenar de impresiones e imágenes a las que estamos confrontados cada día. Cuando uno fuma regularmente, esa función se suprime. »

Entonces, por qué nuestros sueños son tan realistas e intensos una vez que dejamos de fumar ? Llamamos a esto el efecto de rebote, o sea que cuando dejamos de tomar una droga que suprime ciertos fenómenos, estos últimos vuelven de una forma mas intensa durante el periodo de abstinencia.



Space Cake Recipe

The key is to grate your hashish into your butter as you melt it, and then brown it to become ‘beurre noisette,’ as French cooks call it. This creates a magical interaction between the fat in the butter and the THC in the hashish to make a delectable and potent combination. The tastiest space cake you will ever eat!

Warning:  do not be tempted to eat too much at the start. Be patient! It takes more than an hour for the Space effect to kick in. If you eat to excess you may find yourself naked on the beach the next morning. Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing.

To make 12 individual Space Cakes, for 2, 3, or 4 merry revellers

180 g / 6 ounces unsalted butter
1 vanilla bean, split
15 – 30 g /  ​1/2 – 1 ounce grated Primo Super Wonderful hashish
200 grams / 1 cup sugar
100 g / 1 cup ground almonds
6 large egg whites
90 g / 2/3 cup all-purpose flour

Put the butter in a small, heavy saucepan with the vanilla bean and hashish and bring it slowly to the boil over medium heat, swirling the pan occasionally.  Allow the butter to bubble away until it turns a deep brown. The butter should make a sputtering noise as the water is evaporated from the fat. When the spattering stops, and the liquid looks brownish and smells wonderful like toasted nuts, remove from heat and keep it in a warm place.

Mix the sugar and almonds together in a another medium saucepan.  Stir in the egg whites, place the pan over low heat, and, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, heat the mixture until it is runny, slightly white and hot to the touch, about 2 minutes.  Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the flour, then gradually strain in the melted butter. Throw out the browned bits from the strainer. Transfer the batter to a bowl, cover with plastic wrap, pressing it against the surface of the batter to create an airtight seal, and chill for at least 1 hour.  (The batter can be kept covered in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.)

Center a rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 200 C / 400 F.  Butter 12 rectangular financier molds that each hold 3 tablespoons, dust the interiors with flour and tap out the excess. You can also use silicone molds and just spray them with non-stick spray. Place the molds on a baking sheet for easy transport.

Fill each mold almost to the top with batter.  Slide the molds into the oven and bake for about 13 minutes, or until the financiers are golden, crowned and springy to the touch.  If necessary, run a blunt knife between the cookies and the sides of the pans, then turn the cookies out of their molds and allow them to cool to room temperature right side up on cooling racks.

You can keep your Space Cakes in an air-proof box for a few days, or freeze them for an emergency. Somehow, I doubt you will! Happy adventures!


Pinot noir et Haschisch 


Un mélange inattendu et pourtant salvateur après une journée plus ennuyeuse que jamais, il ne fut pas très compliqué de convaincre deux al-colytes de tenter cette expérience ; allier la douceur d’une résine bien choisie à celle d’un bon vin.

Le haschich, moins excitant que l’herbe de cannabis et dont l’ivresse rappelle celle d’une pause au soleil, méritait un vin qui lui ressemble. Le pinot noir est un Bourgogne léger qui pourtant résonne et, souvent, amène avec lui des rires et des sourires entendus au goût de fraternité et de connivence.

Fumer et boire en même temps tient du plaisir aristocratique (voire japonisant) du geste parfait. Comment ne pas parler d’amour et de ce qui rend les belles choses belles quand toutes les routes de l’ivresse y mènent ?

Et pourquoi ne pas plonger ensemble dans un souvenir partagé dont les notes, auparavant vagues et superflues, sont maintenant vives et colorées ? Pourquoi ne pas rire ensemble de qui n’est plus qu’une histoire drôle à trois ?

Il a suffit de deux bons copains, d’un peu de temps et de soleil, un parc où jouer au backgammon, du bon vin dans des beaux verres et un peu de ce merveilleux produit du terroir, pour faire d’un mardi sortie de boulot, un soir d’été indien aux allures de printemps. Qu’il est doux de ne pas grandir trop vite.


The Haschichins Club, Baudelaire’s Sleef ; from drugs to verses.


Paris XIX’th century, the streets are disjointed and the dark aisles see the fog covering the city. The night is the stage of filled brothels and private clubs, including the very private Hashischins Club recently installed on the Saint Louis Island. 

After a journey of a few years in the Orient, the famous doctor Moreau of Tours returns to Paris, carrying a bag of haschich. While opium is fashionable at the time, Moreau stays persuaded that haschich has curing values for certain mental diseases. He opens, with the apinter Fernand Boissard, a brothehhod dedicated to cannabis amateurs. Men about town, bohème, artists, sentimentals, all join to explore the inconcious, also acompanied by some of the greastest writers of the time that will engrave their experiences. 

« La figure du docteur rayonnait d’enthousiasme ; ses yeux étincelaient, ses pommettes se pourpraient de rougeurs, les veines de ses tempes se dessinaient en saillie, ses narines dilatées aspiraient l’air avec force. » Ceci vous sera défalqué sur votre portion de paradis», me dit-il en me tendant la dose qui me revenait »

                                                                             Théophile Gautier lors de sa première dégustation.

”J’ai entendu des voix célestes et j’ai vu des peintures divines. J’ai descendu pendant vingt ans l’escalier de Pimodan… Mais ce matin, depuis mon réveil, je dors toujours, et je suis sans volonté ». 


These sessions are called «Fantasia», and for most considered as a way to explore and observe the powers of drugs. The one that will catch everyone’s attention is dawamesk ; a sort of cream or jelly made from cannabis resin seasoned with honey, spices, almond and more. 

Baudelaire, the most famous of them all, will mostly act as an observant to describe what every drug comes with ; disenchantment. He will alter describe drugs in Les Paradis Artificiels in 1858 as a dangerous way for humans to transcend themselves and reach the ideal that drives them. 

Gautier will conclude this experience saying ; « Après une dizaine d’expériences, nous renonçâmes pour toujours à cette drogue enivrante, non qu’elle nous eut fait mal physiquement, mais le vrai littérateur n’a besoin que de ses rêves naturels, et il n’aime pas que sa pensée subisse l’influence d’un agent quelconque. »




Star Seed: Cannabis, from plant to leaf.


It is well known that our species has always tamed the benefits of our dear mother nature.

Two stones in the hands? Let’s make a fire. A wave on a sea? Let’s go surf it. Snow on the mountains? Let’s go skiing. Grass under our feet? Let’s go smoke it. 

If the majority of humans today associate cannabis as a societal plague, it is important to point out that it is also one of man’s oldest exploitation. 

Cannabis has been part of our history since the Neolithic period, one of the most significant times in terms of technical and social change as a result of several improvements in agriculture and livestock.

The first green trace of cannabis dates back to 6 000 years ago in China, used for clothing, oils, and food.  Furthermore, various writings from Emperor Shen Nung already stipulated its medical values. (http://medarus.org/Medecins/MedecinsTextes/shen_nong.htm)

Later on, cannabis was found in India, Africa, Mexico and especially in the Middle East with its nomads participating to the arrival of cannabis in Africa and Europe. In turn, different countries around the globe start accepting and recognizing its value. 

At the beginning of the XXth century, the Mexican revolution caused the departure of thousands of migrants towards the United States, bringing with them cannabis, which then converted into a more recreational consumption. 

(https://www.mexico-voyages.com/histoire /guerre-civile-mexicaine.php)



Unfortunately, the usage of cannabis became the main cause of criminal acts committed by Hispanic immigrants, announcing later on its prohibition.

In 1915, Utah became the first state to ban its use, a year later France and Britain followed. As such, the trend began and 1931 saw cannabis become illegal in 29 US states. America becomes the precursor of mediatization prohibiting cannabis, several campaigns led by the Federal Office of Narcotics are launched: 

In 1937, the United States Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act, a law that imposes severe penalties on the sale and possession of marijuana.


In 1977 the Netherlands legalized the use and sale of cannabis in coffee shops. It showed for the first time in history a solid break, delineating soft drugs from hard drugs.  If the Netherlands began to recognize marijuana’s benefits, other European countries like Spain and the Czech Republic started, in turn, following the tendency as well. 

2005 marks the renewal of a laxer vision of the use of cannabis: through the relaxation of legislation in certain countries such as Canada, Uruguay and the United Kingdom. 


Medical prescription of THC is allowed and pharmaceutical companies have

for the first time officially bought cannabis in Morocco.

On January 20 2009, Obama becomes President of the United States and declares symbolically during a campaign interview that he had already consumed grass when he was a student.

In 2012, Colorado and Washington State are leading the way in the sale and use of marijuana for people over the age of 21.

On November 8, 2016, it is the most populated state of the USA: California which legalizes by referendum the marijuana for recreational use.

Today therapeutic cannabis is now on sale in Portugal, Italy, Romania, Spain, Poland, United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands, Ireland, Switzerland, Germany.

France, for its part, decides to stay distant thinking that a possible opening of cannabis for medical purposes is a first step towards its total legalization…







L’homme, animal de rêve, a toujours su voir dans la nature l’inspiration et les outils pour réaliser son imaginaire, ses envies et subvenir à ses besoins. Le besoin d’ivresse, s’il n’est pas nécessairement assumé, est indéniable. B. Franklin disait : «le vin est la preuve perpétuelle que Dieu nous aime et veut notre bonheur».

Parce que l’ivresse libère, dénoue, renoue, efface la ligne fine entre le dicible et l’indicible et ouvre, peut-être, les portes d’un rêve qu’on peut faire éveillé.

Il ne s’agit bien entendu pas de faire l’apologie de l’abus ou de la surconsommation, mais bien de rendre ses lettres de noblesse à un art trop souvent décrié : l’art d’être ivre des choses.

«Tout est poison, et rien n’est sans poison, la dose seule fait que quelque chose n’est pas un poison», Paracelse.

La feuille de cannabis, comme le raisin, porte en elle une des clefs de l’ivresse et une de celles de l’abandon. Charge à chacun de la voir comme un fléau ou comme un cadeau. Mais ne fermez pas la porte a priori, laissez de la place à la respiration, à la nuance. Être ivre n’est pas être ivrogne.

L’ivresse est un voyage, une envolée lyrique, la fin d’un poème et le début d’un autre. L’ivresse est une intuition vers le bonheur. Et peut-être, juste peut-être que l’ivresse est un droit ?

Je laisse la question sur la table comme on y pose un dessert, et si vous trouvez en vous l’espace d’y répondre, je vous lève mon verre.


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