Out of Africa, a park caring for wildlife’s preservation in Arizona, offers its animals the best possible life. To the Out of Africa team, that includes fulfilling the animals’ medical needs, for which they prescribe a daily dose of cannabis.
The team in charge of this animal park aims to bring attention to the preservation cause by performing exemplary care on the animals living there. They do this by taking care of each specimen’s daily needs regarding feeding and breeding, as well as global needs regarding health and medical care. It is understandable therefore, that the animals are treated with the cannabis plant by the committed park’s vets, particularly the active compound cannabidiol (CBD).
After learning that one of their goats, Kasani, had night seizures, Out of Africa’s team researched potential treatments. Out of Africa was then advised to reach Ian Peterson, CEO, creator and founder of Source CBD, who helped them in the CBD treatment process.
The park’s team is confronted daily by new diseases. Appollo, an 54kg (…) albinos python, developed a cancerous tumour. After many operations a big part of the cancerous mass had been removed, however, the veterinary surgeon « was unable to extract it fully without removing large amounts of muscle », as Zack Ala, the administrator for large reptiles, explains.
Facing a life or death situation, the park’s team got back in touch with Petersen in order to set up a treatment plan. The cure started in january 2018 and lasted eight weeks, consisting of a daily oral dose of 100mg of CBD.
Since then, the remainder of the mass hardened itself and stopped growing, allowing Appollo a full recovery.
The medicine was administrated in capsules (originally used for treating horses) which contained the CBD oil. Then, the whole thing was wrapped into raw chicken.
Out of Africa’s team provide those wild creatures a better life thanks to CBD.